First Friday Community Forum

First Friday Schedule for Fall of 2022:


Times for each Friday*:

  • 9:00AM - 10:00AM - Equity Reset Self-Study (time allocated to self-study)

  • 10:00AM -12:00PM - Equity Reset: Learning Forum [SESSION 1]

  • 2:00PM - 4:00PM - Equity Reset: Learning Forum [SESSION 2]

*You only need to attend one session each Friday. The sign-up form allows you to indicate which time works best for your schedule.

Details (zoom links, pre-work, etc.) for the First Friday will be emailed to participants in advance.

This schedule is subject to change for future First Fridays Community Forums.

How Do I Participate?

The program encompasses two levels of learning:

  • Individual/Team Level – Each employee is invited to work through the Equity Reset curriculum on their own or in self-organized peer learning circles. You can begin using the curriculum immediately.

  • Community Level – On the First Friday of every month, we will hold structured, facilitated Equity Reset Community Forums for employees across the Lab to exchange learnings & workshop their anti-racism commitments.

What is Expected of Me?

To participate you are expected to:

  • Dedicate at least 1-2 hours of work time monthly to self-study. This self-study can be completed on First Fridays, in advance of the Community Forum, or completed independently (alone or with your team) on any other day. Start with the “Reflection” content for months 1 & 2 and then move to “Action” in month 3.

  • Attend First Friday Community Forums (2 hours monthly, at least 3 months in a row)