Self-Guided Curriculum • Community Forums First Friday of Every Month

Equity Reset: Anti-Racism Learning & Development

“Racism & inequity are products of design. They can be redesigned.”

Equity Meets Design (EMD)

What is an “Equity Reset”?

An “Equity Reset” calls for the recurring allocation of time and attention--two of our most precious resources-- to anti-racism work.

Our common mode of urgency and business-as-usual creates little time for reflection and thoughtful action; our pace of life eclipses our awareness. Therefore, strategic “Equity Resets” stop the clock so that we can reflect on our language, ideas, hunches, actions, etc. in the context of transformation. Without carving out moments to think and reset, our brains default to the familiar and the known, making a repeat of past practices that perpetuate inequity likely*.

*Adapted from Organization Wide Equity Pause by Equity Meets Design (EMD)

What Is the Goal of the “Equity Reset”?

In offering an opt-in racial equity curriculum & learning forums for the Berkeley Lab community, our objective is to enable self-motivated Lab employees, particularly Lab leadership, to take personal and active ownership over antiracism learning & practice within their teams, areas, divisions, and beyond.

What Do We Stand to Lose?

When we do not dedicate time, attention, and effort to equity and anti-racism work, we see more emotional reactivity, distraction, disruption, and poor community outcomes overall. All of this is extremely costly on many dimensions (social, emotional, financial, etc.) and result in the persisting feeling among employees that their core needs are unmet and unaddressed.


Being antiracist is different for white people than it is for people of color. For white people, being antiracist evolves with their racial identity development. They must acknowledge and understand their privilege, work to change their internalized racism, and interrupt racism when they see it. For people of color, it means recognizing how race and racism have been internalized, and whether it has been applied to other people of color.

*Adapted from National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC)

An Invitation: 2 Levels of Learning

There are two voluntary levels of learning that happen concurrently as part of Equity Reset:


Each employee is invited to work through the Equity Reset curriculum solo or in a self-organized peer learning circle.


On the First Friday of every month,  HR’s Learning & Organizational Development (L&OD) will hold structured, facilitated Equity Reset Community Forums for employees across the Lab to exchange learnings & workshop their anti-racism commitments.





Equity Reset: First Friday Community Forums

ADD the next 3-session arc of ‘Equity Reset: First Fridays’ to Your Calendar  ➡